Started to the duty in ‘DSI ERZINCAN DAM CONSTRUCTION’ CONS.’ that situated at loadness of KISKA Com. Company since 1990 by firm competent and completed all the works were contracted in 1998 successfully and at the right time.
Photos of Erzincan Dam Construction
Document of Work Experience (Seyfettin OZTAS)
Seyfettin OZTAS (Autobiography)
Dam body (Clay based sand-gravel filling),
roads (excavation, filling, stabilization, compaction and transportation),
Hailsluice type (opposite
intaking, free, reinforced concrete made by steel framework),
tunnel (3m. diametered, circular cross-sectioned, 478,50 m. sized),
Permanent equipments ( reinforced
concrete water taking structure with bell like entrance, emergency and
adjustment valve rooms,valves and pressure pipes with accessories),
Miscellaneous works (reinforced
concreted ‘limnigraph’ construction and settling reservoirs) |